I’ve been spending the last couple of months focused on resting, dreaming, and making.

Yellow flowers photographed from the top

Resting in the present moment 

Since leaving IDEO early this year, I’ve been resting. Inspired by the book Rest is Resistance I’ve been exploring what it means to stop doing and start being. Until we stop, It’s hard to understanding how tiring it is to keep running towards a goal we will never reach. Learn more about my learnings.


Dreaming of the future of design 

When we rest, we create space to dream. I dream of a future where design is used to help, heal, and harmonize. I’m currently exploring DesignShifts: Creating a better tomorrow for and through design. Questions I’ve been asking:

  • How might we shift our practices from serving company growth to serving community flourishing?  

  • How can we shift design from being a tool we use to persuade, to a practice we use to create space for dialogue? 

  • What would it mean to move from designing for/from the intellectual mind to designing for/from the living body?  

  • What if, instead of designing for conveniences and independence, we started designing for connection and interdependence?

Making through the beauty of the body 

There is something magic in working with our hands. Our digital- and speed-obsessed culture makes us forget. I’m working on re-remembering. I’m currently making art with my hands. I probably won’t be sharing this work. I find that the thought of sharing the work takes me away from being with the doing. 

A quote I read recently

“To capitalist logic, which thrives on myopia and dissatisfaction, there may indeed be something dangerous about something as pedestrian as doing nothing: escaping laterally toward each other, we might just find that everything we wanted is already here.”

Jenny Odell, How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy

This is a now page, inspired by Derek Sivers—a page about what I’m currently up to.

Last updated: April 28, 2024